Yes, you must use a valid email. We will send you reminders if your account balance is too low before your server is removed. Users who use disposable e-mails will be banned without any notification.
By default, all accounts are limited on how many servers they can deploy. If you would like this limit increased, then please submit a support ticket to us.
We do not store any card details, so you do not need to worry about them being leaked.
This is to mitigate the risk of converting Bitcoin back to USD, and to help with the running costs of Bizcloud.
To be able to use any services at Bizcloud, you must first add some credit to your account. You can add credit by using CoinPayments or SenangPay (Malaysia payment gateway). We accept Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple or Bitcoin Cash at the moment.
If you do not have sufficient funds in your account each hour your server is running, then your server will be automatically deleted after a period of time. We will send you reminders before we do this though (so please use a valid email).
You are required to supply an SSH key to be able to access your server. You will have added one to your Bizcloud account before creating a server.
We do not allow withdrawals.
Servers are billed once an hour, and the cost will be deducted from your account balance.
The hourly prices are the monthly price divided by 672 hours.
SMTP port 25 is blocked on all Droplets for new accounts to prevent spam and other abuses of our platform. Dedicated email deliverability platforms are better at handling deliverability factors like IP reputation. To send mail from Bizcloud, we recommend using SendGrid.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us using link below.